If you are interested in our wholesale program, please submit a wholesale request.
After you send a request we will send you an email with our wholesale pricing.
A minimum order of 4 different products and $300 is required for an opening order. $200 minimum for all reorders.
All prices are listed in US dollars. Authorized retailers will receive a substantial discount off of the suggested retail price. Prices are subject to change without notice.
All orders placed by authorized retailers within Chicago will be delivered by yours truly, at no extra cost to you. If you prefer your order shipped, let us know and we will apply shipping to the invoice. Retailers outside of Chicago are responsible for the cost of shipping.
Though your shipment will likely go out sooner, please allow up to 2-3 weeks for your order to ship (we will be in communication on when you can expect your order to ship). Shipping/handling charges will be calculated and added to your order total when the order is ready to ship.
Payments accepted via Paypal or Venmo. We will send you an invoice after approval of order by email.
1-2 week fulfillment time for orders requested immediately, if all items are available. Delayed shipment/delivery dates are available, please specify on the order sheet. We will notify you of any backordered items and will ship/deliver these items upon availability. Double check all shipment/deliveries immediately upon arrival. Please contact us within 3 days of order receipt with any shipment errors or for products damaged in transit.
Any changes or cancellation to orders must be emailed to alex@firstcurveapothecary.com within 24 hours of the original order.
Wholesale merchandise may not be returned or exchanged. We only accept returns in the case of defective merchandise as noted above.
We will provide images upon request for use in print or online marketing.